
Shallaki is a sacred plant that is extensively utilized in traditional medicine and is believed as an essential component of Ayurvedic treatment. The oleo gum extract from this plant is a source of many medicinal properties. Arthritic patients are able to take 1-2 Shallaki tablets with water to ease swelling in joints. It decreases swelling and stiffness in joints that are inflamed because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking Shallaki juice (before eating food) regularly will also help to improve brain function because it protects cells from damages due to free radicals as a result of its antioxidant capacity.

According to Ayurveda Massage Shallaki oil in conjunction with coconut oil lightly on the affected areas can provide relief from joint pain due to its analgesic effect. The application of the oil on the skin helps heal wounds because of its speedier healing capabilities. The application of Shallaki powder (along with water in the form of a paste) on the skin can help combat the signs of aging.

Benefits of Shallaki

Shallaki capsules can help to ease pain associated with osteoarthritis. According to Ayurveda osteoarthritis can be attributed to the aggravation caused by Vata dosha, also known as Sandhivata. It can cause pain, swelling, and joint mobility. Shallaki is a Vata balance property, which gives relief from swelling and pain in joints that are due to osteoarthritis.
1. Take 1 capsule of Shallaki.
2. Drink it with lukewarm water 2 times per day, after eating to reduce the signs of osteoarthritis.

What are the advantages of Shallaki to treat Asthma?

Shallaki assists in reducing the symptoms of asthma. It also helps in cases of breathlessness. According to Ayurveda the primary doshas that cause the development of asthma is Vata as well as Kapha. Vata, which is vitiated, can be combined with an abnormal Kapha dosha in the lungs, causing obstruction of the respiratory passageway. This causes difficulty breathing. This is called Swas Roga (asthma). Shallaki assists in removing extra mucus out of the lung. It also helps alleviate asthma-related symptoms. This is due to Shallaki's Vata and Kapha the properties of balancing.
1. Take 1 capsule of Shallaki.
2. Take it in with lukewarm fluid every day, 1-2 times following meals.
3. Repeat this process to control the symptoms of asthma.


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